BodyMind Wellness Center Response to Covid-19

Updated 3/15/2022

At BodyMind Wellness Center, your health and safety have always been our priority.  As we enter into a new reality of patient care, I want to take the time to explain our enhanced procedures.

We are modifying patient care time to adequately clean surfaces with a bleach spray or disinfectant wipe before and after each patient.  Tools that are used during your treatment such as the Activator and Rapid Release are disinfected as well.  We are limiting patient overlap in the office to minimize your encounter with other people.  We are still wearing masks and require that you do as well, if you come without a mask or with a plain cloth mask or bandana, we will provide a surgical mask for you. 

  Hand washing is frequent and adheres to safety guidelines.  We have hand sanitizer available for your use and safety.  We ask that if you have experienced any the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath (pain with or difficulty breathing) or at least two of these: fever, chills, chills and shaking, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or a new loss of taste or smell, please do not come into the office.  Unless needed, please arrive for your appointment alone, have any family or visitors wait in your vehicle or outside the office. 

If you have been in close proximity to someone exposed to coronavirus, we will ask you to reschedule for a time later when the incubation period has passed and you remain healthy and symptom free.

We know that regular adjustments and treating acute conditions will keep you and your nervous system healthy and functioning to the highest ability.  With the added stress of these uncertain, unusual times we are spending time in the office visit addressing your self-care plan and how we can mitigate the body’s response to stress.

These are some of the ways that we at BodyMind Wellness Center are evolving to serve and treat you in this time of change.  We will continue to asses and adapt so that your care, comfort and health remains the priority it always has been. 

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me.  I am here to support you in your health and wellness journey

We are observing the latest and most complete CDC guidelines for the safety of all. 

Relax and De-Stress with a Personalized Escape

Relax and De-Stress with a Personalized Escape

Are you receiving regular chiropractic treatments? Did you know that combining adjustments with acupuncture could provide additional health benefits?

Chiropractic treatments have been a remedy for obstructions such as neck pain, aching backs, recurring headaches, tight shoulders and numb fingers. In many cases, chiropractic combined with acupuncture can empower the body to correct imbalances, encourage natural healing and restore health. (more…)

Don’t Let Seasonal Changes Disrupt Your Active Lifestyle

Don’t Let Seasonal Changes Disrupt Your Active Lifestyle

If, like me, you enjoy an active lifestyle, you might be feeling some resentment about the change of seasons we are experiencing. In spite of the obvious beauty of the fall colors and the cooler weather, we need to change our activities. At this time of year seasonal allergies emerge and the bountiful outdoor activities of summer must shift towards more weather appropriate fitness.  We can feel the burden and anticipation of the multitude of holidays and the added stresses.

I ask myself, how can I best maintain my healthy habits to ease this transition?  Some of the ways I stay motivated are looking for new seasonal recipes that celebrate the earthy fruits and vegetables that are being harvested now.  I look to add warming spices and herbs that don’t add calories and fats. One recipe I would like to share is for a sweet potato and black bean chili

During the fourth quarter, I will continue to share ways to stay motivated and keep building on the foundation of health you began earlier in the year. My patients also find that regular acupuncture and adjustments can ease the effects of allergies, stress and sleep loss.  A drug free solution without the side effects. Another example, learn how to swap a slump by taking a brisk walk for renewed focus and a burst of energy.

What is your plan to keep the seasonal changes from disrupting your health goals?