BodyMind Wellness Center moved from its temporary space to a new office in Clayton. After a dedicated search, we found a beautiful location that will serve us for years to come. It has a warm, inviting environment with wonderful views. We thoughtfully designed the...
My neck, shoulders and arms are killing me: Repetitive Stress Injury
Many of us, if we are honest with ourselves, spend some time during the day rubbing our neck and shoulders. Many of us also spend a large portion of our day in a forward facing position. We are required to sit at desks (students and workers alike). We type or text,...
Listening to Your Body
Some of my most exciting times in my office are when patients come in and relate to me that not only are they experiencing less pain and discomfort, but that they had not realized how much of their day had previously been affected by discomfort. In other words, they...
Welcome to BodyMind Wellness Center
It's very exciting to announce the debut of BodyMind Wellness Center (formerly Body Mind Healing Center). Our new website and name reflect our deeper focus on creating an environment that will help you improve and sustain your wellness of body and mind for years to...