Acupuncture History and Benefits
In 2,500 years, a wealth of experience has been accumulated attesting to the wide range of diseases and conditions that acupuncture can effectively treat. In 2003, the World Health Organization concluded that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of several conditions including:
- Relieving Pain
- Muscle spasm
- Traumatic or post operative conditions
- Pre- and post-op surgical healing
- Neurological disorders, including headaches, stress and insomnia
- Dental TMJ pain
- Infections
- Respiratory disorders
- Digestive disorders
According to traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture is successful because the targeted points activate Qi, the body’s vital and natural energy.
What happens in an acupuncture session?
Normal treatment involves several tiny and delicate needles being inserted strategically into locations around your body. Usually they are painless and remain in place for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Each session is completely individualized. Normally, you rest on your back on the treatment table. We use only sterile, single-use needles.
The needles are placed along one of 12 meridians – or pathways – to “acquire the Qi” (pronounced “Chee”) and activate the desired change. According to Chinese medical theory, the Qi is the individual’s life force that is concentrated along the energy pathways.
Does acupuncture hurt?
You may experience a tingling sensation. This sensation may travel along the line of the meridian.